
Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers

Sysdig is open source, system-level exploration: capture system state and
activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze.
Think of it as strace + tcpdump + lsof + awesome sauce.
With a little Lua cherry on top.

Sysdig instruments your physical and virtual machines at the OS level
by installing into the Linux kernel and capturing system calls and other
OS events. Then, using sysdig's command line interface, you can filter and.
decode these events in order to extract useful information. Sysdig can be used
to inspect systems live in real-time, or to generate trace files that can be
analyzed at a later stage.



Group: Applications/Engineering

License: GPLv2+




sysdig-0.25-1.fc30.i686 [2.8 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2019-03-31):
- bump version
- disable bundled protobuf
- disable bundled c-ares
- disable bundled grpc
- add protobuf to BuildRequires
- add c-ares to BuildRequires
- add grpc and grpc-plugins to BuildRequires
- add patch2 to correct path to gprc_cpp_plugin
sysdig-0.25-1.fc29.i686 [2.8 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2019-03-31):
- bump version
- disable bundled protobuf
- disable bundled c-ares
- disable bundled grpc
- add protobuf to BuildRequires
- add c-ares to BuildRequires
- add grpc and grpc-plugins to BuildRequires
- add patch2 to correct path to gprc_cpp_plugin
sysdig-0.25-1.fc28.i686 [2.8 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2019-03-31):
- bump version
- disable bundled protobuf
- disable bundled c-ares
- disable bundled grpc
- add protobuf to BuildRequires
- add c-ares to BuildRequires
- add grpc and grpc-plugins to BuildRequires
- add patch2 to correct path to gprc_cpp_plugin
sysdig-0.24.2-1.fc29.i686 [1.9 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2018-12-30):
- bump version
sysdig-0.24.2-1.fc27.i686 [1.9 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2018-12-30):
- bump version
sysdig-0.24.1-1.fc29.i686 [1.9 MiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2018-12-07):
- bump version
- fix download link
- add tbb-devel to Buildrequires
- add compat-lua-devel to Buildrequires
- add jsoncpp-devel to Buildrequires
- add jq-devel to Buildrequires
- add libb64-devel to Buildrequires
- disable use of bundled dep


other Distributions


Fedora 35 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 34 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 33 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 32 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 31 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 30 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 29 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 28 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 27 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora ALL x86_64  SRPMS
Use the software as is. Bug-Reports should go to my Ticket-System and not to the systems from Fedora|RedHat|Centos|rpmfusion.