batalhao |
Pilot a tank to protect the city |
bb |
AAlib demo |
beastieworker |
A 3D realization of SOCOBAN |
beets |
Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger |
beets-doc |
Documentation for beets |
beets-plugins |
Plugins for beets |
belooted |
A game of Belote |
bind |
The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server |
bind-chroot |
A chroot runtime environment for the ISC BIND DNS server, named(8) |
bind-devel |
Header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development |
bind-libs |
Libraries used by the BIND DNS packages |
bind-libs-lite |
Libraries for working with the DNS protocol |
bind-license |
License of the BIND DNS suite |
bind-lite-devel |
Lite version of header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development |
bind-pkcs11 |
Bind PKCS#11 tools for using DNSSEC |
bind-sdb |
BIND server with database backends and DLZ support |
bind-utils |
Utilities for querying DNS name servers |
bitcoin |
A peer-to-peer electronic crypto-currency cash system |
bitcoin-devel |
Header files and libraries needed for bitcoin development |
bobs |
Screensaver with small bobs |
bobs-kde |
bobs-screensaver for KDE |
bobs-xscreensaver |
bobs-screensaver for xscreensaver |
brightside |
Add reactivity to the corners and edges of your GNOME desktop |