SABnzbd An Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python
alpine Alternative Pine mail user agent implementation
bitcoin A peer-to-peer electronic crypto-currency cash system
chromium A fast webkit-based web browser
d4x Downloader for X that supports resuming and many other features
dirb DIRB is a Web Content Scanner.
grive An open source Linux client for Google Drive
justniffer Intelligent packet sniffer geared for capturing TCP traffic. Useful for tracking network services performances
pidgin-window_merge Merges the Buddy List window with a conversation window
pnscan Parallell Network Scanner
polysh Group Shell - aggregate several remote shells into one
rsstool Command-line RSS/Atom parser and generator
sickbeard The ultimate PVR application that searches for and manages your TV shows
suricata Intrusion Detection System
w3af Web Application Attack and Audit Framework
w3af-doc Web Application Attack and Audit Framework - documentation
wapiti Web application vulnerability scanner