
Development files for FFmpeg

FFmpeg consists of a number of C libraries that work with various
multimedia formats.

This metapackage will pull them all in.


Homepage: https://ffmpeg.org/

Group: Development/Libraries/C and C++

License: LGPL-2.1+ and GPL-2.0+




ffmpeg-devel-2.6.2-2.x86_64 [4 KiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2015-05-09):
- bump version
- fresh rebuild
- disable buildrequires on libgsm-devel
- disable buildrequires on pkg-config
- disable buildrequires on pkgconfig(bzip2)
- disable buildrequires on pkgconfig(frei0r)
- disable buildrequires on pkgconfig(libopenjpeg)


other Distributions


Epel 6 (retired)i386 x86_64   
Fedora ALLi386 x86_64   
Use the software as is. Bug-Reports should go to my Ticket-System and not to the systems from Fedora|RedHat|Centos|rpmfusion.