
A gopher client

The gopher client is used to talk to gopher servers.


Homepage: gopher://

Group: Unspecified

License: GPL




gopher-3.0.13-3.fc38.src [325 KiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2022-01-15):
- bump version
- cleanup specfile


other Distributions


Fedora 39 x86_64 aarch64 SRPMS
Fedora 38 x86_64 aarch64  
Fedora 37 x86_64 aarch64 SRPMS
Fedora 35 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora ALL x86_64 aarch64 SRPMS
Use the software as is. Bug-Reports should go to my Ticket-System and not to the systems from Fedora|RedHat|Centos|rpmfusion.