
Ampache plugin for Rhythmbox

Ampache plugin for Rhythmbox


Homepage: http://code.google.com/p/rhythmbox-ampache/

Group: Applications/Multimedia

License: GPLv2




rhythmbox-ampache-0.11.1-1.fc21.noarch [20 KiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2015-01-26):
- bump version
rhythmbox-ampache-0.11-2.fc21.noarch [20 KiB] Changelog by josef radinger (2015-01-25):
- refresh + rebuild


other Distributions


Fedora 22 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 21 (retired)i386   SRPMS
Fedora 20 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora 19 (retired)i386 x86_64  SRPMS
Fedora ALLi386 x86_64  SRPMS
Use the software as is. Bug-Reports should go to my Ticket-System and not to the systems from Fedora|RedHat|Centos|rpmfusion.