Packages beginning with letter "S"

SABnzbd An Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python
sbcl Steel Bank Common Lisp
schismtracker Sound module composer/player
shadow-utils Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
sickbeard The ultimate PVR application that searches for and manages your TV shows
sickbeard-cytec The ultimate PVR application that searches for and manages your TV shows
sickrage-cytec Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows
slapd-hibp-plugin DVT HIBP plugin for 389-ds/rhds
snarf Snarf
sntp Standard Simple Network Time Protocol program
solarsystem solarsystem Screensaver
solarsystem-kde solarsystem-screensaver for KDE
solarsystem-xscreensaver solarsystem-screensaver for xscreensaver
spamassassin Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
stuntrally A rally game featuring 146 tracks in 24 sceneries, 19 cars and a Track Editor
stuntrally-devel Development files for stuntrally
stuntrally-editor Editor for stuntrally
suricata Intrusion Detection System
swftools Tools for SWF (Flash) animations under Linux
sysdig Linux system exploration and troubleshooting tool with first class support for containers
syslog-ng Next-generation syslog server
syslog-ng-amqp AMQP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-devel Development files for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-geoip GeoIP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-http HTTP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-kafka Kafka support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-libdbi Libdbi support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-mongodb MongoDB support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-mqtt mqtt support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-python Python support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-redis Redis support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-riemann Riemann support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-slog secure logging support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-smtp SMTP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-snmp SNMP support for syslog-ng