4dtris Tetris game in four dimensions
7kaa Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
7kaa-data In-Game data Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
Medusa Automatic Video Library Manager for TV Shows
SABnzbd An Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python
ace-of-penguins Penguin-themed solitaire games
acidrip An automated Perl front end for MPlayer/Mencoder
adminer Full-featured database management tool written in PHP
adminer-common Common files for Adminer
adminer-designs Alternative designs
adminer-editor Easy-to-use and user-friendly database data editing tool written in PHP
adminer-elasticsearch Dependencies required for Adminer ElasticSearch support
adminer-firebird Dependencies required for Adminer Firebird SQL support
adminer-mongodb Dependencies required for Adminer MongoDB support
adminer-mysql Dependencies required for Adminer MySQL support
adminer-pgsql Dependencies required for Adminer PostgreSQL support
akmod-tp_smapi Akmod package for tp_smapi kernel module(s)
albert Desktop agnostic launcher
albert-devel Development files for albert
alephone framework for 3D first-person shooter games
alienpool Arcade-style mix of asteroids and pool
amide Program for viewing and analyzing medical image data sets
ampache Web based audio/video streaming application
anagram Anagram finder
assaultcube Total conversion of Cube first person shooter
asteroids3D A 3D first-person game of blowing up asteroids
atomiks A remake of the classic Atomix game for modern platforms
batalhao Pilot a tank to protect the city
bb AAlib demo
beastieworker A 3D realization of SOCOBAN
beets Music library manager and MusicBrainz tagger
beets-doc Documentation for beets
beets-plugins Plugins for beets
belooted A game of Belote
bitcoin A peer-to-peer electronic crypto-currency cash system
bitcoin-devel Header files and libraries needed for bitcoin development
borgbackup A deduplicating backup program with compression and authenticated encryption
btanks Funny battle on your desk
btanks-data Data files for btanks
cargo-rpm-macros RPM macros for building projects with cargo
catdoc A program which converts Microsoft office files to plain text
cegui Free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines
cegui-DevIL-imagecodec Alternative imagecodec library for CEGUI using DevIL
cegui-devel Development files for cegui
cegui-freeimage-imagecodec Alternative imagecodec library for CEGUI using freeimage
cegui-irrlicht-renderer Irrlicht renderer for CEGUI
cegui-libxml-xmlparser Alternative xml parsing library for CEGUI using libxml
cegui-null-renderer Null renderer for CEGUI
cegui-ogre-renderer OGRE renderer for CEGUI
cegui-tinyxml-xmlparser Alternative xml parsing library for CEGUI using tinyxml
cl-asdf Another System Definition Facility
clisp ANSI Common Lisp implementation
clisp-devel Development files for CLISP
common-lisp-controller Common Lisp source and compiler manager
cube2font Utility program for creating font bitmaps for Cube Engine games
davmail DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway for Microsoft Exchange
dcc a clients-server system for collecting checksums of mail messages.
devilspie A window-matching utility
devilspie2 A window-matching utility
dovecot-imaptest ImapTest is a generic IMAP server compliancy tester that works with all IMAP servers.
dracut Initramfs generator using udev
dracut-caps dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs which drops capabilities
dracut-config-generic dracut configuration to turn off hostonly image generation
dracut-config-rescue dracut configuration to turn on rescue image generation
dracut-live dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with live image capabilities
dracut-network dracut modules to build a dracut initramfs with network support
dracut-squash dracut module to build an initramfs with most files in a squashfs image
dracut-tools dracut tools to build the local initramfs
dreamweb-common Common files used by dreamweb
dreamweb-de German language version of dreamweb
dreamweb-doc Documentation files for dreamweb
dreamweb-es Spanish language version of dreamweb
dreamweb-fr French language version of dreamweb
dreamweb-it Italian language version of dreamweb
dreamweb-uk UK-English language version of dreamweb
dreamweb-us US-English language version of dreamweb
duc Duc, a library and suite of tools for inspecting disk usage
ecl Embeddable Common-Lisp
electricsheep Screensaver showing collective dreams of sleeping computers
eleet Screensaver based on ships from Elite
eleet-kde eleet-screensaver for KDE
eleet-xscreensaver eleet-screensaver for xscreensaver
emacs-cython-mode A major mode for editing Cython source files in Emacs
fedpkg Fedora utility for working with dist-git
fedpkg-stage Fedora utility for working with dist-git
ffcall Libraries for foreign function call interfaces
ffcall-devel Files needed to develop programs with ffcall
ffcall-static Static libraries for foreign function call interfaces
fierce A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space
fireflies Fireflies Screensaver
flam3 Programs to generate and render cosmic recursive fractal flames
flam3-devel C headers to generate and render cosmic recursive fractal flames
font-manager A simple font management application for Gtk+ Desktop Environments
font-manager-common Common files used by font-manager
font-viewer Full featured font file preview application for GTK+ Desktop Environments
freeorion Turn-based space empire and galactic conquest (4X) computer game
freeorion-data Game data for freeorion
gammu Command Line utility to work with mobile phones
gammu-devel Development files for gammu
gammu-libs Libraries files for gammu
ghostscript Interpreter for PostScript language & PDF
ghostscript-core Temporary meta-package for Ghostscript upgrade
ghostscript-doc Documentation files for Ghostscript
ghostscript-gtk Ghostscript's GTK-based document renderer
ghostscript-tools-dvipdf Ghostscript's 'dvipdf' utility
ghostscript-tools-fonts Ghostscript's font utilities
ghostscript-tools-printing Ghostscript's printing utilities
ghostscript-x11 Ghostscript's X11-based driver for document rendering
golang-github-florianl-nfqueue-devel C-binding free API for golang to communicate with the queue subsystem of netfilter
golang-github-mattn-go-colorable-devel Colorable writer for windows
golang-github-mattn-go-isatty-devel isatty for golang
golang-github-schachmat-ingo-devel !!!!FILL!!!!
golang-github-schachmat-ingo-unit-test-devel Unit tests for golang-github-schachmat-ingo package
golang-github-schachmat-wego A weather-forecast client for the terminal
golang-github-schachmat-wego-devel A weather-forecast client for the terminal
golang-github-stratoberry-gpsd-devel GPSD client for Go
gopher A gopher client
gophersaver Screensaver with flying gopher
granite An extension of GTK
grub-customizer Grub Customizer is a graphical interface to configure the grub2/burg settings
gsa Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) is GUI to the OpenVAS
gsa-doc Development documentation for gsa
gvm-libs Support libraries for Greenbone Vulnerability Management Solution and OpenVAS
gvm-libs-devel Development files for gvm-libs
gvm-libs-doc Documentation for gvm-libs
gvmd Manager Module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS)
gvmd-doc Development documentation for gvmd
idntag Automatically identify, tag and rename audio files
jless Command-line JSON viewer
kexec-reboot Easily choose a kernel to kexec
kexec-tools The kexec/kdump userspace component
kmod-tp_smapi Metapackage which tracks in tp_smapi kernel module for newest kernel
lavanet Lavanet Screensaver
lazygit Simple terminal UI for git commands
libb2 C library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libb2-devel Development files for the Blake2 library
libdb4 The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C
libdb4-cxx The Berkeley DB database library (version 4) for C++
libdb4-cxx-devel C++ development files for the Berkeley DB database library (version 4)
libdb4-devel C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 4) library
libdb4-devel-static Berkeley DB (version 4) static libraries
libdb4-doc Documentation for the Berkeley DB
libdb4-tcl Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with tcl
libdb4-tcl-devel Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with tcl
libdb4-utils Command line tools for managing Berkeley DB (version 4) databases
libdvdcss A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdcss-devel Header files and development libraries for libdvdcss
libgigi GiGi (aka GG) is a C++ OpenGL GUI library.
libgigi-SDL SDL plugin for libgigi (GiGi/GG)
libgigi-SDL-devel Development files for libgigi(GiGi/GG) SDL plugin
libgigi-devel Development files for libgigi (GiGi/GG)
libgigi-doc Documentation for libgigi(GiGi/GG)
libgigi-ogre Ogre plugin for libgigi (GiGi/GG)
libgigi-ogre-devel Development files for libgigi(GiGi/GG) Ogre plugin
libgs Library providing Ghostcript's core functionality
libgs-devel Development files for Ghostscript's library
libnetfilter_acct A library providing interface to extended accounting infrastructure
libnetfilter_acct-devel Development files for libnetfilter_acct
libnetfilter_log Netfilter logging userspace library
libnetfilter_log-devel Netfilter logging userspace library
libnick A cross-platform base for native Nickvision applications.
libnick-devel Development library and header for the libnick library
libp11-devel Files for developing with libp11
librdkafka The Apache Kafka C library
librdkafka-devel The Apache Kafka C library (Development Environment)
libseccomp Enhanced seccomp library
libseccomp-devel Development files used to build applications with libseccomp support
libseccomp-static Enhanced seccomp static library
libxml++50 C++ wrapper for the libxml2 XML parser library
libxml++50-devel Development files for libxml++50
libxml++50-doc Documentation for libxml++50, includes full API docs
liferea An RSS/RDF feed reader
linkchecker Check HTML documents for broken links
linux_logo Show a logo with some system info on the console
lolcat High-performance implementation of a colorful cat
maddy-devel Development files for maddy
matrixgl 3D Matrix Screensaver
matrixgl-xscreensaver XScreenSaver support for matrixgl
maxima Symbolic Computation Program
maxima-gui Tcl/Tk GUI interface for maxima
maxima-runtime-clisp Maxima compiled with clisp
maxima-runtime-ecl Maxima compiled with ECL
maxima-runtime-sbcl Maxima compiled with SBCL
maxima-src maxima lisp source code
mod_authnz_jwt Authentication module for Apache httpd with JSON web tokens (JWT)
mod_logslow Module logging slow requests for Apache
mp3info MP3 Tag Utility
nacl-gcc Various compilers (C, C++) for nacl
nacl-newlib C library intended for use on embedded systems
nautilus-font-manager Nautilus extension for Font Manager
nemo-font-manager Nemo extension for Font Manager
nodejs-abbrev Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
nodejs-asar Simple extensive tar-like archive format with indexing
nodejs-bindings Helper module for loading your native module's .node file
nodejs-inherits A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
nodejs-isexe Minimal module to check if a file is executable
nodejs-mkdirp Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
nodejs-nan Native Abstractions for Node.js
nodejs-npmlog Logger for npm
nodejs-os-homedir An io.js 2.3.0 os.homedir() ponyfill
nodejs-os-tmpdir Node.js os.tmpdir() ponyfill
nodejs-path-is-absolute Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
nodejs-which A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
ntp The NTP daemon and utilities
ntp-doc NTP documentation
ntp-perl NTP utilities written in Perl
ntpdate Utility to set the date and time via NTP
oolite A space simulation game, inspired by Elite
oomox GUI for generating variations of Numix/Materia/Arc themes, gnome-colors and ArchDroid icon themes
openboard cross-platform interactive whiteboard application
openfortivpn Client for PPP+SSL VPN tunnel services
openjfx Rich client application platform for Java
opensph Library and graphical tools for running SPH and N-body simulations.
openssl-pkcs11 A PKCS#11 engine for use with OpenSSL
openvas-gsa Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) is GUI to the OpenVAS
openvas-gsa-doc Development documentation for openvas-gsa
openvas-libraries Support libraries for Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Scanner
openvas-libraries-devel Development files for openvas-libraries
openvas-libraries-doc Documentation for openvas-libraries
openvas-manager Manager Module for the Open Vulnerability Assessment System (OpenVAS)
openvas-manager-doc Development documentation for openvas-manager
openvas-scanner Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Scanner
openvas-scanner-devel Development files for openvas-scanner
openvas-scanner-doc Development documentation for openvas-scanner
paho-c MQTT C Client
paho-c-devel MQTT C Client development kit
paho-c-doc MQTT C Client development kit documentation
pam_mysql PAM module for auth UNIX users using MySQL data base
pam_pkcs11 PKCS #11 PAM login module
par2cmdline-turbo PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
parabolic A basic yt-dlp frontend
pari Number Theory-oriented Computer Algebra System
pari-devel Header files and libraries for PARI development
pari-elldata PARI/GP Computer Algebra System elliptic curves
pari-galdata PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois resolvents
pari-galpol PARI/GP Computer Algebra System Galois polynomials
pari-gp PARI calculator
pari-nflistdata PARI/GP Computer Algebra System nflist extensions
pari-seadata PARI/GP Computer Algebra System modular polynomials
pari-seadata-big PARI/GP Computer Algebra System big modular polynomials
pathological an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts
pdnsd A caching dns proxy for small networks or dialin accounts
pgloader Fast data loader for PostgreSQL
php PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
php-bcmath A module for PHP applications for using the bcmath library
php-cli Command-line interface for PHP
php-common Common files for PHP
php-dba A database abstraction layer module for PHP applications
php-dbg The interactive PHP debugger
php-devel Files needed for building PHP extensions
php-doctrine-instantiator Instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
php-embedded PHP library for embedding in applications
php-enchant Enchant spelling extension for PHP applications
php-fpm PHP FastCGI Process Manager
php-gd A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library
php-gmp A module for PHP applications for using the GNU MP library
php-horde-Horde-Cache Horde Caching API
php-horde-Horde-Date Horde Date package
php-horde-Horde-Db Horde Database Libraries
php-horde-Horde-Exception Horde Exception Handler
php-horde-Horde-Group Horde User Groups System
php-horde-Horde-ListHeaders Horde List Headers Parsing Library
php-horde-Horde-Mail Horde Mail Library
php-horde-Horde-Mapi MAPI utility library
php-horde-Horde-Serialize Data Encapsulation API
php-horde-Horde-Service-Weather Horde Weather Provider
php-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper Horde Stream wrappers
php-horde-Horde-Translation Horde translation library
php-horde-Horde-Util Horde Utility Libraries
php-horde-Horde-Vfs Virtual File System API
php-horde-horde Horde Application Framework
php-imap A module for PHP applications that use IMAP
php-intl Internationalization extension for PHP applications
php-json JavaScript Object Notation extension for PHP
php-ldap A module for PHP applications that use LDAP
php-mbstring A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling
php-myclabs-deep-copy Create deep copies (clones) of your objects
php-mysqlnd A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases
php-nrk-Predis PHP client library for Redis
php-odbc A module for PHP applications that use ODBC databases
php-opcache The Zend OPcache
php-pdo A database access abstraction module for PHP applications
php-pear-Date-Holidays Driver based class to calculate holidays
php-pear-Net-DNS2 PHP Resolver library used to communicate with a DNS server
php-pecl-geoip Extension to map IP addresses to geographic places
php-pecl-http Extended HTTP support
php-pecl-http-devel Extended HTTP support developer files (header)
php-pecl-igbinary Replacement for the standard PHP serializer
php-pecl-igbinary-devel Igbinary developer files (header)
php-pecl-imagick Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library
php-pecl-imagick-devel imagick extension developer files (header)
php-pecl-lzf Extension to handle LZF de/compression
php-pecl-mcrypt Bindings for the libmcrypt library
php-pecl-propro Property proxy
php-pecl-propro-devel php-pecl-propro developer files (header)
php-pecl-raphf Resource and persistent handles factory
php-pecl-raphf-devel php-pecl-raphf developer files (header)
php-pecl-wddx Web Distributed Data Exchange
php-pecl-xdebug PECL package for debugging PHP scripts
php-pgsql A PostgreSQL database module for PHP
php-phpspec-prophecy Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP
php-phpunit-PHP-Invoker Utility class for invoking callables with a timeout
php-phpunit-PHPUnit The PHP Unit Testing framework version 5
php-phpunit-PHPUnit-MockObject Mock Object library for PHPUnit
php-phpunit-exporter Export PHP variables for visualization
php-process Modules for PHP script using system process interfaces
php-recode A module for PHP applications for using the recode library
php-sebastian-object-enumerator Traverses array and object to enumerate all referenced objects
php-snmp A module for PHP applications that query SNMP-managed devices
php-soap A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol
php-symfony-class-loader Symfony ClassLoader Component
php-symfony-common Symfony common files
php-symfony-yaml Symfony Yaml Component
php-tidy Standard PHP module provides tidy library support
php-webmozart-assert Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages
php-xml A module for PHP applications which use XML
php-xmlrpc A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
pike80 Interpreted, high-level, object oriented language
pike80-bzip2 bzip2 pike module
pike80-devel Header files, libraries and development documentation for pike.
pike80-ffmpeg ffmpeg pike module
pike80-freetype Freetype module for pike
pike80-fuse Pike Fuse Module
pike80-gdbm gdb pike module
pike80-gl GL pike module
pike80-glut GLUT pike module
pike80-gssapi Pike GSSAPI Module
pike80-gtk2 GTK2 module for pike.
pike80-image Image pike module
pike80-java Java pike module
pike80-mysql MySQL pike module
pike80-odbc ODBC pike module
pike80-pcre Pike PCRE Regular Expression Module
pike80-pdf PDF pike module
pike80-postgres Postgres pike module
pike80-sane sane pike module
pike80-sdl SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer) module for pike.
pike80-sqlite sqlite pike module
pike80-svg SVG Image module for pike.
pike80-webp Pike Webp Module
pike80-zlib zlib pike module
privoxy Privacy enhancing proxy
procmail Mail processing program
python-munkres A Munkres algorithm for Python
python-pyasn1-doc Documentation for pyasn1
python-twisted-core Asynchronous networking framework written in Python
python-twisted-core-doc Documentation for Twisted Core
python-twisted-web Twisted web client and server, programmable in Python
python2-django-bootstrap3 Bootstrap support for Django projects
python2-django-formset-js A wrapper for a JavaScript formset helper.
python2-django-super-inlines Adds useful features to inlines, such as the ability to nest them
python2-dns DNS toolkit for Python 2
python2-pyasn1 ASN.1 tools for Python 2
python2-pyasn1-modules Modules for pyasn1
python2-rpm Python 2 bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages
python2-rpmUtils python rpmUtils
python3-Cython Language for writing Python extension modules
python3-LandmarkRegistration An interactive registration tool that manages viewing and manipulating of sets of fiducials
python3-backports-zoneinfo Backport of the standard library zoneinfo module
python3-cstruct C-style structs for Python
python3-dicomweb-client Client for DICOMweb RESTful services
python3-dns DNS toolkit for Python 3
python3-fierce A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space
python3-freewvs A local web vulnerability scanner
python3-llfuse Python Bindings for the low-level FUSE API Python 3.5 packages
python3-munkres A Munkres algorithm for Python
python3-ntlm-auth Python 3 compatible NTLM library
python3-puremagic identify a file based off it's magic numbers
python3-pyasn1 ASN.1 tools for Python 3
python3-pyasn1-modules Modules for pyasn1
python3-requests-credssp Python 3 credssp library
python3-requests_ntlm NTLM module for python requests
python3-rpkg Python library for interacting with rpm+git
python3-rpm Python 3 bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages
python3-sabctools C implementations of functions for use within SABnzbd
python3-sabyenc3 Fork of original yenc module for use within SABnzbd
python3-templated-dictionary Dictionary with Jinja2 expansion
python3-watchdog File system events monitoring
python3-winrm Python libraries for interacting with windows remote management
python3-xdg_base_dirs Variables defined by the XDG Base Directory Specification
qemu QEMU is a FAST! processor emulator
qemu-audio-alsa QEMU ALSA audio driver
qemu-audio-dbus QEMU D-Bus audio driver
qemu-audio-jack QEMU Jack audio driver
qemu-audio-oss QEMU OSS audio driver
qemu-audio-pa QEMU PulseAudio audio driver
qemu-audio-pipewire QEMU Pipewire audio driver
qemu-audio-sdl QEMU SDL audio driver
qemu-audio-spice QEMU spice audio driver
qemu-block-blkio QEMU blkio block driver
qemu-block-curl QEMU CURL block driver
qemu-block-dmg QEMU block driver for DMG disk images
qemu-block-gluster QEMU Gluster block driver
qemu-block-iscsi QEMU iSCSI block driver
qemu-block-nfs QEMU NFS block driver
qemu-block-rbd QEMU Ceph/RBD block driver
qemu-block-ssh QEMU SSH block driver
qemu-char-baum QEMU Baum chardev driver
qemu-char-spice QEMU spice chardev driver
qemu-common QEMU common files needed by all QEMU targets
qemu-device-display-qxl QEMU QXL display device
qemu-device-display-vhost-user-gpu QEMU QXL display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu QEMU virtio-gpu display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-ccw QEMU virtio-gpu-ccw display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-gl QEMU virtio-gpu-gl display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-pci QEMU virtio-gpu-pci display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-pci-gl QEMU virtio-gpu-pci-gl display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-pci-rutabaga QEMU virtio-gpu-pci-rutabaga display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-gpu-rutabaga QEMU virtio-gpu-rutabaga display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-vga QEMU virtio-vga display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-vga-gl QEMU virtio-vga-gl display device
qemu-device-display-virtio-vga-rutabaga QEMU virtio-vga-rutabaga display device
qemu-device-usb-host QEMU usb host device
qemu-device-usb-redirect QEMU usbredir device
qemu-device-usb-smartcard QEMU USB smartcard device
qemu-docs qemu documentation
qemu-guest-agent QEMU guest agent
qemu-img QEMU command line tool for manipulating disk images
qemu-kvm QEMU metapackage for KVM support
qemu-kvm-core QEMU metapackage for KVM support
qemu-pr-helper qemu-pr-helper utility for qemu
qemu-system-aarch64 QEMU system emulator for AArch64
qemu-system-aarch64-core QEMU system emulator for AArch64
qemu-system-alpha QEMU system emulator for Alpha
qemu-system-alpha-core QEMU system emulator for Alpha
qemu-system-arm QEMU system emulator for ARM
qemu-system-arm-core QEMU system emulator for ARM
qemu-system-avr QEMU system emulator for AVR
qemu-system-avr-core QEMU system emulator for AVR
qemu-system-cris QEMU system emulator for CRIS
qemu-system-cris-core QEMU system emulator for CRIS
qemu-system-hppa QEMU system emulator for HPPA
qemu-system-hppa-core QEMU system emulator for hppa
qemu-system-loongarch64 QEMU system emulator for LoongArch (LA64)
qemu-system-loongarch64-core QEMU system emulator for LoongArch (LA64)
qemu-system-m68k QEMU system emulator for ColdFire (m68k)
qemu-system-m68k-core QEMU system emulator for ColdFire (m68k)
qemu-system-microblaze QEMU system emulator for Microblaze
qemu-system-microblaze-core QEMU system emulator for Microblaze
qemu-system-mips QEMU system emulator for MIPS
qemu-system-mips-core QEMU system emulator for MIPS
qemu-system-nios2 QEMU system emulator for nios2
qemu-system-nios2-core QEMU system emulator for nios2
qemu-system-or1k QEMU system emulator for OpenRisc32
qemu-system-or1k-core QEMU system emulator for OpenRisc32
qemu-system-ppc QEMU system emulator for PPC
qemu-system-ppc-core QEMU system emulator for PPC
qemu-system-riscv QEMU system emulator for RISC-V
qemu-system-riscv-core QEMU system emulator for RISC-V
qemu-system-rx QEMU system emulator for RX
qemu-system-rx-core QEMU system emulator for RX
qemu-system-s390x QEMU system emulator for S390
qemu-system-s390x-core QEMU system emulator for S390
qemu-system-sh4 QEMU system emulator for SH4
qemu-system-sh4-core QEMU system emulator for SH4
qemu-system-sparc QEMU system emulator for SPARC
qemu-system-sparc-core QEMU system emulator for SPARC
qemu-system-tricore QEMU system emulator for tricore
qemu-system-tricore-core QEMU system emulator for tricore
qemu-system-x86 QEMU system emulator for x86
qemu-system-x86-core QEMU system emulator for x86
qemu-system-xtensa QEMU system emulator for Xtensa
qemu-system-xtensa-core QEMU system emulator for Xtensa
qemu-tests tests for the qemu package
qemu-tools qemu support tools
qemu-ui-curses QEMU curses UI driver
qemu-ui-dbus QEMU D-Bus UI driver
qemu-ui-egl-headless QEMU EGL headless driver
qemu-ui-gtk QEMU GTK UI driver
qemu-ui-opengl QEMU opengl support
qemu-ui-sdl QEMU SDL UI driver
qemu-ui-spice-app QEMU spice-app UI driver
qemu-ui-spice-core QEMU spice-core UI driver
qemu-user QEMU user mode emulation of qemu targets
qemu-user-binfmt QEMU user mode emulation of qemu targets
qemu-user-static QEMU user mode emulation of qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-aarch64 QEMU user mode emulation of aarch64 qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-alpha QEMU user mode emulation of alpha qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-arm QEMU user mode emulation of arm qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-cris QEMU user mode emulation of cris qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-hexagon QEMU user mode emulation of hexagon qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-hppa QEMU user mode emulation of hppa qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-loongarch64 QEMU user mode emulation of loongarch64 qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-m68k QEMU user mode emulation of m68k qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-microblaze QEMU user mode emulation of microblaze qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-mips QEMU user mode emulation of mips qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-nios2 QEMU user mode emulation of nios2 qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-or1k QEMU user mode emulation of or1k qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-ppc QEMU user mode emulation of ppc qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-riscv QEMU user mode emulation of riscv qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-s390x QEMU user mode emulation of s390x qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-sh4 QEMU user mode emulation of sh4 qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-sparc QEMU user mode emulation of sparc qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-x86 QEMU user mode emulation of x86 qemu targets static build
qemu-user-static-xtensa QEMU user mode emulation of xtensa qemu targets static build
quota System administration tools for monitoring users' disk usage
quota-devel Development files for quota RPC
quota-doc Additional documentation for disk quotas
quota-nld quota_nld daemon
quota-nls Gettext catalogs for disk quota tools
quota-rpc RPC quota daemon
quota-warnquota Send e-mail to users over quota
redeclipse A Free, Casual Arena Shooter
redeclipse-data Data for the Red Eclipse FPS game
redeclipse-server Server for the Red Eclipse FPS game
repoview Creates a set of static HTML pages in a yum repository
rollercoaster An OpenGL rollercoaster ride animation
rollercoaster-xscreensaver An OpenGL rollercoaster ride animation for xscreensaver
rpkg-common Common files for rpkg
rpm The RPM package management system
rpm-apidocs API documentation for RPM libraries
rpm-build Scripts and executable programs used to build packages
rpm-build-libs Libraries for building RPM packages
rpm-cron Create daily logs of installed packages.
rpm-devel Development files for manipulating RPM packages
rpm-libs Libraries for manipulating RPM packages
rpm-plugin-audit Rpm plugin for logging audit events on package operations
rpm-plugin-ima Rpm plugin ima file signatures
rpm-plugin-prioreset Rpm plugin for resetting scriptlet priorities for SysV init
rpm-plugin-selinux Rpm plugin for SELinux functionality
rpm-plugin-syslog Rpm plugin for syslog functionality
rpm-plugin-systemd-inhibit Rpm plugin for systemd inhibit functionality
rpm-sign Package signing support
rpm-sign-libs Libraries for signing RPM packages
rsstool Command-line RSS/Atom parser and generator
rubygem-os Simple and easy way to know if you're on windows or not (reliably), as well as how many bits the OS is, etc
rubygem-os-doc Documentation for rubygem-os
rubygem-sha3 SHA3 for Ruby
rubygem-sha3-doc Documentation for rubygem-sha3
rubygem-tasks Better Process Manager for Ruby
rubygem-tasks-doc Documentation for rubygem-tasks
rust-deluxe+default-devel Procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe+full-devel Procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe+proc-macro-devel Procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-core+default-devel Core traits and helpers for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-core+full-devel Core traits and helpers for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-core+proc-macro-devel Core traits and helpers for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-core-devel Core traits and helpers for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-devel Procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-macros+default-devel Derive macros for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-deluxe-macros-devel Derive macros for Deluxe procedural macro attribute parser
rust-gsettings-macro+default-devel Macro for typesafe GSettings key access
rust-gsettings-macro-devel Macro for typesafe GSettings key access
rust-html2pango+default-devel Library to convert html to pango
rust-html2pango-devel Library to convert html to pango
rust-linkify+default-devel Finds URLs and email addresses in plain text
rust-linkify-devel Finds URLs and email addresses in plain text
rust-mediathekviewweb+default-devel Client for the MediathekViewWeb API
rust-mediathekviewweb+native-tls-devel Client for the MediathekViewWeb API
rust-mediathekviewweb+rustls-tls-devel Client for the MediathekViewWeb API
rust-mediathekviewweb-devel Client for the MediathekViewWeb API
rust-plotters-backend+default-devel Plotters Backend API
rust-plotters-backend-devel Plotters Backend API
sbcl Steel Bank Common Lisp
schismtracker Sound module composer/player
slapd-hibp-plugin DVT HIBP plugin for 389-ds/rhds
sntp Standard Simple Network Time Protocol program
solarsystem solarsystem Screensaver
solarsystem-kde solarsystem-screensaver for KDE
solarsystem-xscreensaver solarsystem-screensaver for xscreensaver
spamassassin Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
syslog-ng Next-generation syslog server
syslog-ng-amqp AMQP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-devel Development files for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-geoip GeoIP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-http HTTP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-kafka Kafka support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-libdbi Libdbi support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-mongodb MongoDB support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-python Python support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-redis Redis support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-riemann Riemann support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-slog secure logging support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-smtp SMTP support for syslog-ng
syslog-ng-snmp SNMP support for syslog-ng
teg Turn based strategy game
televido Access german-language public broadcasting live streams.
terminator Store and run multiple GNOME terminals in one window
termsaver Simple text-based terminal screensaver
thunar-font-manager Thunar extension for Font Manager
tiled Tiled Map Editor
tiled-plugin-defold Defold plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-droidcraft Droidcraft plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-flare Flare plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-gmx GameMaker Studio 1.4 plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-python Python plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-replica-island Replica Island plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-t-engine4 T-Engine4 plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-tbin tBIN plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-yy GameMaker Studio 2.3 plugin for Tiled
timelens Timelens creates visual timelines from video files
tp_smapi Thinkpad hardware/firmware features
ulogd Userspace logging daemon for netfilter
unoconv A tool to convert documents from/to any format supported by LibreOffice
wal2json JSON output plugin for changeset extraction
webfs Simple http server for mostly static content
webrtc Libraries to provide Real Time Communications via the web
webrtc-devel Development files for WebRTC
wireshark Network traffic analyzer
wireshark-cli Network traffic analyzer
wireshark-devel Development headers and libraries for wireshark
xdiskusage Grapically displays the amount of disks used for by each subdirectory.
xfce4-equake-plugin Plugin for the XFCE panel which monitors earthquakes
xfce4-hdaps-plugin A plugin to indicate the status of HDAPS
xmascot Moving mascot on your X-Window screen
xmedcon-gtk2 A medical image conversion utility and library
xmedcon-gtk2-devel Libraries files for (X)MedCon development
xroach Some cockroaches on your root window
xtermcontrol dynamic control of XFree86 xterm properties
xxhash Extremely fast hash algorithm
xxhash-devel Extremely fast hash algorithm - development files
xxhash-libs Extremely fast hash algorithm - library
youtube-dl A small command-line program to download online videos