SABnzbd An Open Source Binary Newsreader written in Python
ace-of-penguins Penguin-themed solitaire games
acidrip An automated Perl front end for MPlayer/Mencoder
adminer Full-featured database management tool written in PHP
adminer-common Common files for Adminer
adminer-designs Alternative designs
adminer-editor Easy-to-use and user-friendly database data editing tool written in PHP
adminer-elasticsearch Dependencies required for Adminer ElasticSearch support
adminer-firebird Dependencies required for Adminer Firebird SQL support
adminer-mongodb Dependencies required for Adminer MongoDB support
adminer-mysql Dependencies required for Adminer MySQL support
adminer-pgsql Dependencies required for Adminer PostgreSQL support
albert Desktop agnostic launcher
alienpool Arcade-style mix of asteroids and pool
ampache Web based audio/video streaming application
anagram Anagram finder
assaultcube Total conversion of Cube first person shooter
asteroids3D A 3D first-person game of blowing up asteroids
atomiks A remake of the classic Atomix game for modern platforms
batalhao Pilot a tank to protect the city
bb AAlib demo
beastieworker A 3D realization of SOCOBAN
belooted A game of Belote
bitcoin A peer-to-peer electronic crypto-currency cash system
bitcoin-devel Header files and libraries needed for bitcoin development
davmail DavMail is a POP/IMAP/SMTP/Caldav/Carddav/LDAP gateway for Microsoft Exchange
dcc a clients-server system for collecting checksums of mail messages.
devilspie A window-matching utility
duc Duc, a library and suite of tools for inspecting disk usage
electricsheep Screensaver showing collective dreams of sleeping computers
eleet Screensaver based on ships from Elite
eleet-kde eleet-screensaver for KDE
eleet-xscreensaver eleet-screensaver for xscreensaver
fierce A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space
fireflies Fireflies Screensaver
golang-github-mattn-go-colorable-devel Colorable writer for windows
golang-github-mattn-go-isatty-devel isatty for golang
golang-github-schachmat-ingo-devel !!!!FILL!!!!
golang-github-schachmat-ingo-unit-test-devel Unit tests for golang-github-schachmat-ingo package
golang-github-schachmat-wego A weather-forecast client for the terminal
golang-github-schachmat-wego-devel A weather-forecast client for the terminal
grub-customizer Grub Customizer is a graphical interface to configure the grub2/burg settings
kexec-reboot Easily choose a kernel to kexec
lavanet Lavanet Screensaver
libdvdcss A portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdcss-devel Header files and development libraries for libdvdcss
linux_logo Show a logo with some system info on the console
lolcat High-performance implementation of a colorful cat
matrixgl 3D Matrix Screensaver
matrixgl-xscreensaver XScreenSaver support for matrixgl
mod_logslow Module logging slow requests for Apache
mp3info MP3 Tag Utility
ntp The NTP daemon and utilities
ntp-doc NTP documentation
ntp-perl NTP utilities written in Perl
ntpdate Utility to set the date and time via NTP
oomox GUI for generating variations of Numix/Materia/Arc themes, gnome-colors and ArchDroid icon themes
par2cmdline-turbo PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool
pathological an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts
php-horde-Horde-Db Horde Database Libraries
php-horde-Horde-Mapi MAPI utility library
php-horde-Horde-Service-Weather Horde Weather Provider
php-horde-Horde-Stream-Wrapper Horde Stream wrappers
php-horde-Horde-Util Horde Utility Libraries
php-horde-Horde-Vfs Virtual File System API
php-horde-horde Horde Application Framework
privoxy Privacy enhancing proxy
python2-django-bootstrap3 Bootstrap support for Django projects
python2-django-formset-js A wrapper for a JavaScript formset helper.
python2-django-super-inlines Adds useful features to inlines, such as the ability to nest them
python2-dns DNS toolkit for Python 2
python2-rpmUtils python rpmUtils
python3-dicomweb-client Client for DICOMweb RESTful services
python3-dns DNS toolkit for Python 3
python3-fierce A DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space
python3-freewvs A local web vulnerability scanner
rsstool Command-line RSS/Atom parser and generator
rubygem-os Simple and easy way to know if you're on windows or not (reliably), as well as how many bits the OS is, etc
rubygem-os-doc Documentation for rubygem-os
sntp Standard Simple Network Time Protocol program
solarsystem solarsystem Screensaver
solarsystem-kde solarsystem-screensaver for KDE
solarsystem-xscreensaver solarsystem-screensaver for xscreensaver
spamassassin Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
termsaver Simple text-based terminal screensaver
tiled Tiled Map Editor
tiled-plugin-defold Defold plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-droidcraft Droidcraft plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-flare Flare plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-gmx GameMaker Studio plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-python Python plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-replica-island Replica Island plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-t-engine4 T-Engine4 plugin for Tiled
tiled-plugin-tbin tBIN plugin for Tiled
tp_smapi Thinkpad hardware/firmware features
webfs Simple http server for mostly static content
xfce4-equake-plugin Plugin for the XFCE panel which monitors earthquakes
xmascot Moving mascot on your X-Window screen
xroach Some cockroaches on your root window
xtermcontrol dynamic control of XFree86 xterm properties