4dtris | Tetris game in four dimensions |
alephone | framework for 3D first-person shooter games |
alephone-eternal | 3D first-person shooter game |
alephone-eternalx | 3D first-person shooter game |
alephone-evil | 3D first-person shooter game |
alephone-marathon | 3D first-person shooter game |
alephone-marathon2 | 3D first-person shooter game |
alephone-marathoninfinity | 3D first-person shooter game |
assaultcube | Total conversion of Cube first person shooter |
f1spirit | F1 Simulation |
oolite | A space simulation game, inspired by Elite |
pathological | an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts |
trophy | Car racing game with special features |
ufoai | UFO: Alien Invasion |
ufoai-common | UFO: Alien Invasion shared files |
ufoai-server | UFO: Alien Invasion dedicated server |